Tiny Bread Factory by MysteriousVagabond is a depiction of the art of breadmaking on the Roblox platform. With its notable use of physics and the mouse, it provides a unique experience on Roblox.
Set in a tiny room on a baseplate, the player is sat on a chair (not visible), with their breadmaking tools in front of them, along with a leader board detailing those who have sold the most bread. This can also be seen in the default Roblox leader board which has been enabled in this experience.
The bread starts as perfectly spherical dough balls, precisely proportioned to produce loaves of identical stature later on. Click and hold one of these balls and watch as the (now former) Roblox cursor rotates as the dough begins to follow it, before returning to its original orientation once it has been dropped inside of a perpetually spinning mixer. A unique choice to highlight interactivity, given that it can appear miniscule on larger screens, and disappear completely on mobile. One can turn the tap on and watch as these balls are accompanied by water droplets, also perfectly spherical slip down into the basin (and not merge together, given Roblox’s lack of fluid dynamics) to be procedurally flattened (with mysterious scores appearing on the top) and come out not as droopy mixtures of loosely bound flour and water but as distinct loaves, ready to be baked.
The oven in Tiny Bread Factory is a simple contraption. Place what you want to be baked on the conveyer belt and watch as it rolls up past the induction coils and rolled out on the top, only to fall down into a tray. If the perfect golden-brown colour of the bread afterwards isn’t to your liking, there’s no issue in cycling it through the oven again so that it is just the burnt mediocrity that you wanted it to be. Don’t try putting anything that isn’t uncooked (or cooked) bread through - it won’t let it in. The rollers actually spin here - a rare touch in a world where experiences are carefully refined for performance, with physics such as this usually left out in favour of more basic collision geometry such as a six-faced part set to be more slippery.
Once the bread rolls down the said rollers (if it does - this can be buggy at times), it neatly falls down into a wooden basket, where it can be collected by the player to be sold, adding yet another load of bread to your tally on the leaderboard.
Whilst on its own appearing unremarkable as a game, in a sea of experiences which play music in their brightly coloured environments littered with microtransactions, Tiny Bread Factory is a cool respite, where all you have to do is to make bread, watching as you compete with the rest of the server to make the most bread.
Tiny Bread Factory is a Roblox experience which can be visited here.
They never shared the truth.. its just a tutorial?